Our script reading sessions give actors the chance to flex their skills with scripts that are being developed. They also give scriptwriters the chance to hear their work out loud - sometimes for the first time.
We regularly receive TV and film scripts from both established and emerging writers. Following an approved script submission, we put a 'casting' call out to our database of actors with the following details:
The read is cast on a first-come-first-served basis and when we receive your expression of interest email we automatically add you to the session.
Around one week before, we will send you the script and any additional details. Please let us know at this point if you are unable to make it, as it becomes difficult to replace you if the read is only a few days away.
Several scripts have gone onto the funding stage, with the actors at the script read being first-in-line for the roles, so it's beneficial to take part, not just for practice on a live script, but also to be seen in front of tomorrow's writers.
If you are a script writer and would like to hear your work out loud; our script reading sessions could be for you.
If you're interested in getting involved, simply contact us via the form at the bottom of the page with script details, character requirements and a bit of info about yourself, and we will schedule you in.
Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
Require more information about our network or events? Contact us on the details below or via our contact form.
Email : dayoneactorsnetwork@gmail.com
Phone : 07889991734